
Burwood | 2024-09-02 23:48:51


Address:3 Railway Pde





厅: 1

卫: 1

出租方式: 单间

租金: 350$/week

性别要求: 男女不限

可入住时间: 2024-09-02

租期类型: 长租

配套设施: 包气 包电 包水 冰箱 洗衣机 空调 家具 包网

来源: 个人

联系人: 果澳

电话: 0438687633

微信: tarayange217

著名华人区,留学生的最爱。步行Burwood车站 2-3 分钟, Westfield Shopping Centre 5 分钟。 从Burwood快车仅2站到达Central,仅3站到Townhall station,方便去UTS,悉尼大学。 生活便利,中餐馆,超市,cafe,shopping retail 应有尽有。适合少煮爱洁人士。




位置4 eyes pl Caningtion 近火车站汽车站,华人区,购物方便,开车去city 仅有十几分钟09-01
北悉尼次卧独立卫浴出租,两室两卫,楼顶有游泳池和健身房和功能厅,近UTS,悉尼大学近city. 友善女室友 超大65寸液晶电视 家里还有一只加菲猫 房东工作经常去美国出差 所以很多时间家里会只有你一个人 房间有一张双人床 书桌落地衣柜 女生优先 价格包所有bill,全新设计师品牌家具 Available date: 2024.12.8 A private room with a private bathroom is available for rent in a modern 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment in North Sydney. The apartment features an open-plan living area with stylish furnishings and a fully equipped kitchen. Residents also have access to premium amenities, including an infinity pool, a gym and a function room. Location: Conveniently located in the heart of North Sydney, the building offers easy access to public transport, cafes, shops, and parks, making it an ideal spot for professionals or students seeking a comfortable, quiet living space. Walking distance to Victoria Cross Metro Station and North Sydney train Station. Room Details: The room comes furnished with a double bed, a desk, and a built-in wardrobe. The room has a window. Flatmate: You will be sharing the apartment with a full-time working female and her affectionate, exotic shorthair cat. The cat is quiet and tidy, adding warmth to the home without causing any disturbances. Preferences: Female flatmate preferred Age range: 20-40 Non-smokers only Rent: Includes access to all building amenities and all bills 北悉尼次卧独立卫浴出租,两室两卫,楼顶有游泳池和健身房和功能厅,近UTS,悉尼大学近city. 友善女室友 超大65寸液晶电视 家里还有一只加菲猫 房东工作经常去美国出差 所以很多时间家里会只有你一个人 房间有一张双人床 书桌落地衣柜 女生优先 价格包所有bill,全新设计师品牌家具 Available date: 2024.12.8 A private room with a private bathroom is available for rent in a modern 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment in North Sydney. The apartment features an open-plan living area with stylish furnishings and a fully equipped kitchen. Residents also have access to premium amenities, including an infinity pool, a gym and a function room. Location: Conveniently located in the heart of North Sydney, the building offers easy access to public transport, cafes, shops, and parks, making it an ideal spot for professionals or students seeking a comfortable, quiet living space. Walking distance to Victoria Cross Metro Station and North Sydney train Station. Room Details: The room comes furnished with a double bed, a desk, and a built-in wardrobe. The room has a window. Flatmate: You will be sharing the apartment with a full-time working female and her affectionate, exotic shorthair cat. The cat is quiet and tidy, adding warmth to the home without causing any disturbances. Preferences: Female flatmate preferred Age range: 20-40 Non-smokers only Rent: Includes access to all building amenities and all bills 北悉尼次卧独立卫浴出租,两室两卫,楼顶有游泳池和健身房和功能厅,近UTS,悉尼大学近city. 友善女室友 超大65寸液晶电视 家里还有一只加菲猫 房东工作经常去美国出差 所以很多时间家里会只有你一个人 房间有一张双人床 书桌落地衣柜 女生优先 价格包所有bill,全新设计师品牌家具 Available date: 2024.12.8 A private room with a private bathroom is available for rent in a modern 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment in North Sydney. The apartment features an open-plan living area with stylish furnishings and a fully equipped kitchen. Residents also have access to premium amenities, including an infinity pool, a gym and a function room. Location: Conveniently located in the heart of North Sydney, the building offers easy access to public transport, cafes, shops, and parks, making it an ideal spot for professionals or students seeking a comfortable, quiet living space. Walking distance to Victoria Cross Metro Station and North Sydney train Station. Room Details: The room comes furnished with a double bed, a desk, and a built-in wardrobe. The room has a window. Flatmate: You will be sharing the apartment with a full-time working female and her affectionate, exotic shorthair cat. The cat is quiet and tidy, adding warmth to the home without causing any disturbances. Preferences: Female flatmate preferred Age range: 20-40 Non-smokers only Rent: Includes access to all building amenities and all bills. 11-22
近Hurstville,房间宽阔,独立出入,独立浴室,一厅一房一卫,出门有公交车几站到Hurstville. 全包,拎包入住,招爱干净,单身人士,有意请电。可议价09-01




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